In the meantime, smart home has become a well-known term, mostly combined with individual ideas. If you let smart home into your life, it is up to you to decide what it should be able to do, whether with just one manufacturer as well as system or a network of different components. In principle, everything is possible - ultimately determined by your budget. Networking is system integration; examples below:
- Comprehensive (all-in-one) smart home integration
- PV Energy monitoring/ management system integration
There are many ways to achieve a smart home. The solutions described here or other solutions should be discussed during a system consultation.
- Your request: uwe(at)house-bus-systems(dot)com
- Your call: +49 2262 797926
One more note: The smart home specialist emerges from the shadow of your house and yard electrician. Certainly some of the basics are known, and perhaps your trusted electrician also knows one or two systems. But the variety is simply too great to master everything and always be up to date. Developments in this area are happening at breakneck speed, and even specialists struggle to keep up to date. Smart home specialists are partners and support the electrical trade.
In the smart home sector, I offer various services to support you in the realisation of your project:
- System and product consulting
- Analysing your project
- Coaching during creation and commissioning
- Creation of visualisations
- Documentation of your project
Selling products or carrying out installation work on the supply network are not part of my range of services. Invoicing can be on a flat-rate or time and material basis.
The information about Smart Home presented here is based on my experience and is therefore not a binding doctrine. So please do your own research on these topics.